Monday, August 21, 2006


The passage of time, in quite a number of ways, has made our life difficult and easier. One could not challenge time, indeed if someone tried it they will be swept away like a dead leave in a raging torrent of water. Those who waste time and did not fulfill it with meaningful activities will regret it later. The definition of 'meaningful' itself can be interpreted in many ways by different people, but at least they are doing something meaningful in their own definition.

Take a good look at your friends. The ones sitting next to you, the ones whom you are laughing together with, that girl in the white jacket and black shirt. With the uncertainties of life, you might not see them again. For eternity. I have had the experience and it made me a bitter man. Perhaps the day will come when I can forgive myself, perhaps the day will come when I will visit his grave.

Make happiness with your friends. Leave addresses, contact numbers. Get to know their parents. And make use of the time provided by God now. We cannot predict anything, not even the weather. How does one predict life? I'm not too sure, and I don't want to. I've set a path, it'll be up to me to follow it or to walk on the grass and dirty my shoes. Will I succeed again after so many failures? Will I be weeded out, and be branded unsuitable for university?

Suddenly, that job in the photography studio looks enticing.

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