Monday, May 19, 2003

The skies are clear, and I'm feeling happy though I did not attend school today because I have a head-splitting headache yesterday. So I woke up at 12 pm, eat a little lunch and breakfast (considering that I did not eat breakfast this morning). My mom's gone to clean my uncle's house next door. She was asked by him to do that twice a month with pay.

Currently I am watching Hour Asia on Discovery Channel. At the moment, it's about geisha, and the next hour will be 'clash between tradition and modernisation'. I watched only the second half of the geisha, as I was watching AXN's Boys Be.

For most of students, Teacher's Day have passed, but our school level celebration is going to be held tomorrow (20th May). I think a meeting was held today to determine who is responsible for what (as we are going to held a party for the teachers) but I'm not sure, and I will call my friend today to find out. Hope that I will not be the servant tomorrow....(as they might use the excuse 'You were absent yesterday')

Talk to you later, as I need rest.

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