Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The SPCA are not scums

Running along Petaling Street, I encountered this post. It infuriates me. How could he?
...or you can leave them in a market-place or restaurant where there’s plenty of food. That’s a better fate then being sent to the Society of Perpetuating Cruelty to Animals...

Now, now. Leaving them in public places is a form of cruelty itself. You will be placing the burden on the community. Not only that, the cat and its litter will be in peril. Run over by cars, kicked around by people, showered with hot water... a worse fate. The number of the cats will multiply, and they will be viewed as pests instead of cute, adorable pets.

SPCA is neither a place for unwanted pets nor somewhere to leave your pet when you went on a vacation or Raya or whatever. Strays go there, not pets!

The number of people with his kind of mindset is worryingly high. Don't want the cat/kittens? No worries, just dump them somewhere!

Neuter them damnit.


Anonymous said...

agree with you man...

Anonymous said...

Hey, A lot Kuching people leave their trash in the public too.
The other day I saw 2 women with 3 kids helping them throwing tons of trash into the stream at a bridge around 10 Miles Bazzar. Setting good example for kids huh !

NSDS3HvLDjJd said...

Don't know whether 10 Mile is covered within Trienekens' area.