Friday, July 15, 2005

Clearing the Cloud

Weeks ago, I spill the beans to my friend. 'The beans' being me liking Miss G (you can find stories of her if you are patient enough to dig into this blog). She being the matchmaker that she is, offered to dig up Miss G's number. I said, "Whatever suits you."

Today she SMSed me to call her back. I wasted productively used 0.15 Euroes calling her on Skype, because the charge from Celcom to Maxis is quite huge in total.

My apologies for being unclear. It was the matchmaker who SMSed, it was the matchmaker whom I called.

Hope I'll dream of her tonight...and no Nadz, the story is still in progress ;)


Yoong Family said...

waah, this story so exciting laa... update...

hornbill said...

all the best kkkkkkkkkk???????

NSDS3HvLDjJd said...

Update on the way.

Thanks for the support grace.